Temperance   (3)
Moral Powers Paralyzed—Through the channel of appetite, the passions are inflamed, and the moral powers are paralyzed, so that parental instruction in the principles of morality and true goodness falls upon the ear without affecting the heart. The most fearful warnings and threatenings of the word of God are not powerful enough to arouse the benumbed intellect and awaken the violated conscience. (Te 183.1) MC VC
The indulgence of appetite and passion fever and debilitate the mind, and disqualify for education. Our youth need a physiological education as well as other literary and scientific knowledge. It is important for them to understand the relation that their eating and drinking, and general habits, have to health and life. As they understand their own frames, they will know how to guard against debility and disease. With a sound constitution, there is hope of accomplishing almost anything. Benevolence, love, and piety, can be cultivated. A want of physical vigor will be manifested in the weakened moral powers. The apostle says, “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.”(Romans 6:12)—The Health Reformer, December, 1872. (Te 183.2) MC VC
It is Somebody’s Business—You should study temperance in all things. You must study it in what you eat and in what you drink. And yet you say: “It is nobody’s business what I eat, or what I drink, or what I place upon my table.” It is somebody’s business, unless you take your children and shut them up, or go into the wilderness where you will not be a burden upon others, and where your unruly, vicious children will not corrupt the society in which they mingle.—Testimonies for the Church 2:362. (Te 183.3) MC VC